世界開始的地方 Where the Worlds Begin
一大力魚工作室(Squar One Studio)為國立臺灣史前文化博物館(National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan)的南島常設展廳入口長廊設計了巨型主題動畫。透過卷軸般一鏡到底的視覺呈現,將展覽動線與南島族群遷徙意象的傳說故事互相呼應。集結眾多知名插畫家的獨特風格,轉化為南島族群豐富且深厚的文化符號。從達悟族巨人撐開天地;誕生於蛇蛋的排灣族祖先;卑南族先人在木臼裡破浪而來;馬來西亞神鳥創造世界;阿美族眾神化作天地星辰;吉里巴斯從貝殼破口出現新世界的故事;夏威夷從混沌變做萬物的神話。利用一氣呵成且流暢的鏡頭語言,共同編織出壯闊的南島族群的創世神話組曲。
Squar One Studio designed a massive animated display for the entryway of the Austronesian Hall at the National Museum of Prehistory, Taiwan. Done as a long take that scrolls sideways, the piece reflects both the path taken by visitors in the hall and the migration of Austronesian peoples over the millennia. A conglomeration of the unique styles of several accomplished illustrators, it serves as a symbol of the richness and depth of the Austronesian cultures as a seamlessly woven tapestry of several magnificent Austronesian legends about the beginning of the world: how a giant pulled the sky and the land further apart (a legend of the Yami/Tao people), the birth of the first people from snake eggs (Paiwan), the journey of a group of siblings atop the waves in a wooden mortar (Pinuyumayan), the creation of humans by two birds (Iban people of Borneo), the transformation of gods into the earth and celestial bodies (Pangcah), the emergence from a shell of a man and his son who brought light to the world (Kiribatian), and the emergence of all things from a state of darkness (Hawai‘ian).
2023 榮獲 德國 iF設計獎|Winner of the 2023 IF Design Award
2022 紐約 紐約藝術指導協會年度獎 入圍|Shortlisted for the ADC 101st Annual Awards
2022 臺灣 金點設計獎標章|Golden Pin Design Award 2022

The animation "Where the Worlds Begin" is showcased on a massive screen exceeding five meters in width. Through a scroll-like continuous visual presentation, it creates a harmonious interplay between the exhibition's narrative flow and the legendary stories of migration within the Austronesian ethnic groups, resulting in an epic and visually stunning effect. The animation not only serves as a guide and introduction to the exhibition but also stands as an independent, complete, and original artistic creation. It showcases how contemporary creators understand and interpret the cultural heritage passed down by the indigenous peoples of this island, serving as a testament and commemoration of these cultures for this generation.